Pregnant woman shaking hands

Everything You Need to Know to Hire a Doula: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1. Make a list of doulas in your area.

You can do this by checking, performing a Google search, or asking your friends, doctor, or midwife for suggestions. 

Once you’ve made a list of doulas that you are interested in it is important to verify their availability around your due date.

Writing a checklist

Step 2. Interview the top 3+ doulas that interest you.

Pregnant woman chatting with doula taking notes

Every doula will do a free meet and greet to ensure you are compatible. You are looking for a doula that will be a good fit for you and your partner and that you feel comfortable around.

Invite your partner to be a part of the interview process to really help them be on board.

Check out my post about how to interview a doula for more interviewing tips, questions to ask, and what to look for in a doula.

Step 3. Talk it over with your partner (if applicable).

Pregnant Woman and Husband

Be sure to invite your partner to be a part of the process. Since birth is such an intimate space, it’s important that you both are on board with who you invite to join you.

Step 4. Sign the contract and pay the deposit.

You do not have a guarantee of services from a doula until the contract is signed and the deposit is paid. 

The deposit is generally 1/2 of the full price however this can vary. 

Pregnant woman putting money in a piggy bank

A doula may hold your due date for you for a set amount of time after an interview or notify you if they have other inquiries for your due date. I

t is best to let all doulas that you interviewed know of your final decision, even if you choose another doula. 

Doulas understand that compatibility is important in such an intimate space.

Step 5. Congratulations, you’ve hired a doula!

Now go take advantage of your investment. Ask all your questions and get ready for a great birth experience.

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