My Miracle Baby
I became a mom in 2017. My first pregnancy I was with a low-risk doctors’ clinic in South Calgary that delivered at South Health Campus. That clinic rotated between 10 doctors. Later I got transferred to an OB after some preterm labor at 32 weeks. It was very scary, and I felt so unprepared. I wish I’d had someone there to ask my questions and support me besides my husband.
My little miracle boy was later born at 39 weeks! The newborn phase dragged on with every minute feeling like an hour and the hours feeling like days. I was terribly isolated and alone.
Little did I know that I was dealing with postpartum stress syndrome and depression. My symptoms were mild compared to many, but mental health problems are always difficult. So I make it a point to try and check in and watch for signs of anxiety and depression throughout our postpartum relationship.

My Water Birth
The birth of my second baby was so different. I was with the Honeycomb Midwives this time in central Calgary and had no complications. I gave birth in the water at the Arbour Birth Center and got to sleep in my bed that night.
I had a better idea how to prepare for the newborn phase and it was bliss. However, even with a positive birth experience, I developed postpartum anxiety around 6 months due to a stressful move. I reached out to a counselor right away and was feeling more like myself within a month or two.
The knowledge I gained about postpartum mental health really made a difference in my life. I know that educating yourself about birth can completely change your birthing experience as well as your postpartum experience. And reaching out for help right away is the best thing to do at the first sign of distress.

Making a Difference
While preparing to give birth to my second, I decided I wanted to become a doula, someone who could support others during such a critical time in their lives. It was a way that I knew I could make a difference.
So, at 4 months postpartum, I took the DONA doula course with Suzanne Moquin in Edmonton. Then my doula journey began at 7 months postpartum, when I helped 2 friends become mothers.

I serve both English and Spanish speaking clients as a birth doula.
I also offer online prenatal classes in Spanish. See here for my prices.
I certified with DONA International in 2021 and I attended the Spinning Babies workshop for birth professionals in 2022. I took the Birth Boot Camp childbirth education course in 2023.
I am so passionate about empowering women to believe in themselves and see their incredible worth. Birth may be the most difficult thing you will ever do. So hire a doula today!
My Philosophy On Birth
While birth can be unpredictable, the possibilities are not endless. When you are educated about your options, you can make informed decisions.
I believe that birthing instinctually is the best! And you should listen to your body, but if you are unsure or would like some guidance, I can suggest intentional positions to help make space for baby to enter and pass through the birth canal which helps labor to continually progress. These suggestions are based on baby’s location and can be modified to accommodate reduced mobility related to epidurals when necessary.
Birthing instinctually and with intention are the secrets to avoiding increased interventions in labor and birth.

With the right preparation, I believe every woman can have a medication free labor if they choose, but I understand that not everyone will decide that is what they want. If you decide a physiological/med free birth is what you want, I support you with comfort techniques and tools to help you “ride the waves” and birth your baby your way.
If you decide to use an epidural or other medication for pain relief, I support you by suggesting positions.
However you decide to birth, my goal is that you will be fully informed about your options, through prenatal education. I want you to feel empowered to make the decision you feel is best for you and your family, regardless of anyone else’s opinions.