What is a birth doula?

A birth doula is a birth coach, a friend during labor and delivery, a fountain of knowledge during pregnancy and postpartum, and an advocate in the labor room.

Pregnant woman chatting with doula taking notes

What does a doula do during pregnancy?

Getting a doula during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for a good labor and delivery. Here’s why:

  • A doula will help you write a birth plan. Birth plans help ensure that you know your options.

  • Talking through your fears with someone can let you approach the experience with positivity, which in turn will decrease the likelihood of labor stalling.

  • You don’t have to wait until your next prenatal appointment to ask your doctor or midwife, you can just shoot your doula a text and get an answer right away.

  • A doula can suggest movements and positions to do during pregnancy that will relieve pregnancy aches and pains, as well as encourage baby to get in a good position

What does a doula do during labor?

A doula helps relieve pain from contractions by suggesting different positions, massage, and attention focusing techniques

  • Doulas can encourage and help promote a calm atmosphere during labor and delivery by using your 5 senses

  • Doulas are your advocate by helping you and your partner voice your fears and get the answers you need to make informed decisions

  • Doulas suggest different positions in labor and delivery to encourage baby to descend and the cervix to dilate this has been proven to decrease time in labor

Doula applies back pressure on pregnant woman while dad supports
New mother and baby

What does a birth doula do postpartum?

  • A doula can help you with common breastfeeding problems
  • Refer you to specialists for unique challenges you may face

  • Help you learn newborn soothing techniques

  • A doula can answer or refer you to your doctor for any questions related to your newborn or the changes going on in your body postpartum

  • Help you learn to use a breast pump or to use a wrap to babywear

How is a doula different than a midwife?


  • Not medical professional

  • Suggests position changes

  • Give evidence based information

  • Relieve contraction pain

  • Trained in optimal positioning

  • Can support you anywhere including all hospitals and birth centers

  • Supports high and low risk clients


  • Medical professional

  • Checks cervix

  • Monitors baby’s heart rate

  • Monitors mother’s blood pressure

  • Trained to deal with birth complications

  • Practices at 1 hospital, has access to birth center, and at home births

  • Mainly deals with low-risk patients or partners with an OB to accept high-risk patients

Midwife checking over new baby

Ready to hire a doula?