
Top Hospitals in Calgary for an Exceptional Birthing Experience
Foothills hospital has a level 3 NICU. South Health Campus you get to stay in the same room during labor, delivery, and postpartum. Rockyview General Hospital has a midwifery program on site. However the most important part of your birth isn’t where you give birth, but with who.

7 steps to a successful VBAC
Having a vaginal birth after a c-section can be an uphill battle. There are lots of things you can do to improve your odds of having a successful VBAC or VBA2C. From getting educated to doing Spinning Babies positions in order to get baby in the best position. With preparation you have an 80% chance of successfully having the vaginal birth you always wanted.

Benefits of having a bilingual doula at your birth
There are many doulas in Calgary. Here is a list of doulas that speak languages other than English.

When to take prenatal classes and other things to consider when choosing a prenatal class
It is never too early to take a prenatal class. Classes should be finished by 36 weeks of pregnancy, but you can choose to take them sooner if you wish. You can choose to take a 7 week course or a weekend crash course. When choosing a prenatal course ideology and location are important factors to consider.

Everything you need to know about Bishop’s Scores
A bishop’s score measures your body’s readiness for labor by performing a cervical check. It is typically done before an induction to help decide what method of induction to do. The bishop’s score assesses dilation, consistency, effacement, and position of the cervix as well as the station of the baby.

How long after induction does labor start: A comprehensive guide to inductions
Depending on the method of induction, it could take anywhere between a few hours to a few days. The more ready your body is when you start the induction, the faster the induction will be. I go into the varying methods of labor induction including Cervidil, Foley Bulb, and Pitocin/Oxytocin and how long you should expect each to take.

The Price of a Doula in Alberta and How to Pay for One
Are you thinking of hiring a doula in Alberta but aren’t sure if it’s in your budget? The cost of a doula can vary a lot depending on location. Check out how much doulas cost in each major city across the province.

Which is Better to Have at Your Birth: a Midwife, a Doctor, an OB, or a Doula?
Ever wondered the difference between a midwife, a doctor, an OB, and a doula? I go in depth on the benefits and differences between each so that you can make the best decision for you and your family.

Are Doulas covered under insurance in Alberta?
Have you ever wondered if your insurance would cover the cost of a doula? This post details which companies have doula services covered and when.

The Best Questions to Ask a Doula During an Interview
Are you wondering what to look for in a doula? What questions you should ask a doula? Or even how to choose the right doula for you? Look no further! By answering these 3 simple questions, you can create your own custom list of questions based on what matter most to you.

Everything You Need to Know to Hire a Doula: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to hire a doula? A step by step guide to finding the right doula for you.

What’s the Difference Between a Midwife and a Doula?
What is the difference between a midwife and a doula? Actually a lot. Although their ideologies often align in a more natural, hands off approach to birth, their jobs are very different. A midwife is in charge of the healthcare side while a doula is the birthing woman’s helper and coach. A doula can help to physically relieve contraction pain, emotionally give encouragement, and so much more.