c-section scar

7 steps to a successful VBAC

Having a vaginal birth after a c-section can be an uphill battle. There are lots of things you can do to improve your odds of having a successful VBAC or VBA2C. From getting educated to doing Spinning Babies positions in order to get baby in the best position. With preparation you have an 80% chance of successfully having the vaginal birth you always wanted.

IV in hand

How long after induction does labor start: A comprehensive guide to inductions

Depending on the method of induction, it could take anywhere between a few hours to a few days. The more ready your body is when you start the induction, the faster the induction will be. I go into the varying methods of labor induction including Cervidil, Foley Bulb, and Pitocin/Oxytocin and how long you should expect each to take.