Top Hospitals in Calgary for an Exceptional Birthing Experience
Choosing the right hospital to give birth in is important! Your doctor or midwife likely is only allowed to practice at a certain hospital, however if you get the opportunity to decide, here is a rough breakdown of each hospital from the perspective of a doula.
Doulas have a unique perspective since they get to witness births at all the hospitals, birth centers and home births and can more easily compare. As with any birth, the PEOPLE present at your birth is more important than the WHERE. Having the right doctor or midwife, a great nurse and the right support team is going to make a much bigger difference than the room you give birth in. Remember this is your birth and you are allowed to request a different nurse or send your husband to get a coffee if they are not positively impacting your birth environment.

All Hospitals
All hospitals have birthing balls and peanut balls available for use, just ask your nurse for one.

In general, only 1 support person is allowed to be present during a c-section surgery. However, depending on the staff, some may let you bring an additional person. If that is important to you, advocate for that! Explain to the staff why you need 2 people present. You are allowed 2 support people again once you get to recovery.
Many nurses are quick to offer epidurals. If you are wanting to give birth without medication, ask them to not offer any unless you specifically ask. Hiring a doula is also be a great option if you are planning a med-free birth.
Some postpartum nurses are quick to reach for donor milk, instead of teaching you how to get a good latch for breastfeeding. If breastfeeding is important to you, be sure to learn as much as you can before you give birth by taking a breastfeeding class, reading a book, and watching videos.
South Health Campus
South Health Campus has the best rooms because the rooms are large, and you get to stay in the same room for labor, delivery, and postpartum. It is also the newest hospital so everything looks nice and bright.
South Health Campus is the only hospital that offers breech birth as an option. Some doctors there are trained in breech birth, however they will likely try an ECV first.
An ECV is a external cephalic version, which is when the doctor tries to manually turn the baby around from the outside by pushing on the pregnant woman’s belly. It is always your choice to pursue breech birth or agree to an ECV or c-section.
South Health Campus is the only hospital to offer the option of a birth pool. These are only available to midwifery clients and you must bring your own liner if you want to use it.

Foothills Medical Centre

Foothills Medical Centre has a level 3 NICU. That means they are equipped with staff and equipment suitable for very sick or very small babies. Babies born before 32 weeks or who are critically ill would be cared for best here.
Foothills postpartum rooms are in serious need of a remodel.
Remember doctor’s give suggestions, but you are in charge. If you feel comfortable taking your baby home, you can decline to stay. If it’s against doctor’s recommendation, you will get more pushback, but it is always your choice and if you decide to leave, the nurses will give you a list of things to watch for.
Most Foothills nurses have had Spinning Babies training and can be very helpful in getting you into different positions to help make room for baby.
Foothills has an observation area for c-sections.
Peter Lougheed Centre
Peter Lougheed Centre has recently done renovations on their L&D unit so it is looking very nice. Unfortunately, they still don’t have birthing tubs or pools available.

Rockyview General Hospital

Rockyview General Hospital has an onsite midwifery program. That means if you have a midwife and you arrive at the hospital in labor, there will be a midwife at the hospital to give you care until your own midwife arrives. If it’s a fast labor, that may mean the onsite midwife will deliver your baby instead of a doctor.
Rockyview General Hospital has a room with a birth tub, however it is no longer in use (reasons unknown).
Rockyview’s postpartum rooms have recently had a remodel and are very nice.
Rockyview often allows 2 support people in triage, while other hospitals limit you to 1 support person in triage. This is especially important if you have a doula since you may be in triage for a half hour or 4 or 5 hours depending on space on the unit and how labor is progressing.
For other hospitals it depends on the nurse, but it is rare to be allowed more than 1 support person in triage. If that is important to you, be sure to advocate for this and explain to the staff why you need the additional support in triage.

Arbour Birth Center

Arbour Birth Center is not a hospital, however they do have birthing tubs and laughing gas readily available.
They are equipped with oxygen equipment for mother and baby, equipment if baby needs help to breathe at birth, a means of keeping baby warm, supplies to start an intravenous drip, medications to control bleeding, and equipment and supplies for suturing.
They are also a short ride away from Foothills Medical Centre should the need arise to transfer to the hospital.
Arbour Birth Center is only available to those who have a midwife and there is a fee for use. See here for more info.
While there may be a reason to choose one hospital over another, the people who attend you during your birth are going to make the biggest difference in your birthing experience. Choose your birthing team wisely.
Happy Birthing!